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Spiritual Coaching

Selke Eichler


a very happy starseed on the Earth Star, co-creating with my guides to connect Beings with a memory of their homestar, bringing the perfect fit of moving energy and light into their everyday life and celebrating their star energy uniqueness with them while they create their very unique conducive environment for themselves.

Selke Eichler

I am deeply connected to all living beings, may they be animals, plants, humans or light beings and co-create with all of them on a peer-to-peer level.

My Creative Light Mission

Instinctively Navigate Infinite Possibilities

I co-create with starseeds to retrieve the memory of their homestar. This will be the one ingredient that in combination with their holistic awareness empowers them to navigate the infinite possibilities instinctively.

Create Your Unique Conducive Environment

My guides and I transmit the energy, the knowledge and the tools to enable starseeds to remember what they need as a starseed to feel at home in their unique environment on the Earth Star in everyday life. 


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