My Unique Offering: Remembering Your Star Being and Living it

What, if different things fit for you here on the Earth Star because you remember the star being part of you? What, if you would be able to consciously create a life that fits perfectly for you and your masteries? Without ignoring any part of you. Without making compromises that do not fit and make you feel uncomfortable.

What, if you as a being that does not originate from this planet simply chose something different ? Something light. Something full of joy and glitter. Something that is uniquely yours. What, if it would be easy to create such an environment because the necessary components are in your awareness?


This is the star path I would love to walk with you!

Emerald Light 

The 3-months Emerald Light Program is designed to enable you to create the optimal and most conducive environment which roots in your uniqueness.

Let us find out which gifts, masteries, contributions and possibilities you bring to the Earth Star and its inhabitants - with joy and ease.

Stargates to Infinity 

The 12-months Stargates to Infinity Program connects you with stargates through which you can commune with energy patterns of the Inifinite. You can travel dimensions on your bespoke paths. You come into harmony with your specific contribution and remember how to receive, co-create and give from the Infinite Possibilities.

Individual Star Path

In the various star path workshops we can find out why you as a starseed often feel so "alien" or why it is so hard to behave like "everybody else".

What star energies are easily accessible to you? How can you integrate them? How can you create with them? How can you be at ease, relaxed and joyful?

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