and my Light Being Self chose to remember a lot about its galactic origins in this incarnation.

I have always had a very deep connection to animals and therefore my spiritual path of this incarnation began with a training as a holistic animal therapist and kabbalah studies for many years. A very special meditation experience that showed up multiple times over the years brought me to the search for my starseed family. The awareness that I am a star being and in some fields have therefore different needs changed my life profoundly and brought a deep relief in some parts of my life on the Earth Star.


Diving deeper into this topic led to the ability to interdimensionally communicate and receive information from the light beings of my star family and my star guides.  The gifts I brought from my home star to the Earth Star comprise the ability to zoom out into infinity in tense situations, to transform and share star knowledge and wisdom that let other beings thrive, and to easily actualize consciousness in the 3D-world. Bringing Divine Spark, moving light, grace and joy into gravity is my light mission as a conscious leader.


Mazal means "happiness" in Hebrew. Its 5 letters numerologically bring in the star energy of the ability to co-create a unique conducive environment. 

It is my loving wish to co-create with you in re-establishing happiness, joy and lightness in your life in a way that is unique to you

 I look forward to embarking on this star journey with you.

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